Thank you for your kind support
Upper Canada Choristers
Charitable registration # 8920 173 69 RR0001
Ticket sales only cover a portion of our costs, so we rely on the generosity of friends and supporters. There are many ways for you to assist us. Here are some examples of how donations keep the Choristers singing for and giving to our community.
$50 pays copying costs for choir educational materials.
$100 buys scores to expand our repertoire.
$300 buys rental space for one month of rehearsals.
$300 buys an outreach event for residents of long-term care homes, shelters, or hospitals.
$700 to $1000 pays performance fees for a guest soloist.
Please contact Donald McKay, if you would like more information about our current needs.
General donations are always greatly appreciated.
*Donations of $25.00 or more will receive a tax receipt.
There are three ways to donate
1. Cheques
Via mail. Made out to Upper Canada Choristers sent to:
Treasurer. Upper Canada Choristers. 2700 Bathurst Street, Suite 809
Toronto, ON M6B 2Z7
3. Interac e-transfers
Interac e-transfers may be sent to: treasurer@uppercanadachoristers.org
We are grateful for ongoing support from:
John Anderson, Virginia Atkin, Joan Boudreau, Alex Brown, Janet Campbell, Bill Dawson, Yukari Endo, Joan Fischer, Jean Fortier, Barbara Kilbourn, Lisa Liang, William Logan, Donald McKay, Ross McLean, Kazuyo McMillan, Rosemary Meier, Jannie & Paul Mills, Gary Ng, Ayako Ochi, Otto Pierre, Michele Power, Jacinto Salcedo, Pauline Tong, Lisa Trevisan, Marilyn Trybuch, Rita Tsang, Joseph Wong, Pat Whiteside, Linda Litwack, Dr. John Wedge, and Virginia Wright.
We greatly acknowledge the sponsorship of:
Donors 2022
Thank You to Our Many Generous Donors Who Helped Us Through this Difficult Term – Fall 2022
Half Note Sponsors
Janet Campbell
Barb Kilbourn
Heather and Jennifer Young in Memory of Mona Young
Basso Profundo Sponsors
Anonymous Support of the Orchestra
Anonymous for Youth Outreach
Linda Litwack
The Bill and Nancy Logan Family Foundation
Ross Mclean and Laurie Mace
Donald McKay
Ayako Ochi
Golden Baton Sponsors
The Mills Team – Royal Lepage Signature Realty
Paul and Jannie Mills
Hallelujah Chorister Sponsor
Generous Supporters:
Alexandra Brown, Angela Jennings, Patricia Cash, Bill Dawson, Jean Fortier, Johanna Ebbutt, Katy Tong, Peggi Mace, Kazuyo McMillan, Laurie Evan Fraser, Marj Olson, Jane Mills, Martha ter Kuile, Otto Pierre, Joseph Uyede, Pat Whiteside. and addition, we thank the many choristers, friends, and family members who have supported the choir as much as possible.