Vocal workshop with Cesar Alejandro Carrillo

An Approach to Missa Sine Nomine

Wednesday, May 14 · 7 - 9:30 pm

Grace Church on-the-Hill, Toronto

The $50 cost includes a ticket to the May 16 performance.

Registration via Eventbrite.

Venezuela VIVA
Choral music from Venezuela and the Caribbean

With La Petite Musicale, under the direction of Lindy Burgess, and Special Guests, renowned Venezuelan composer César Alejandro Carrillo and poet Laura Morales Balza.

Friday, May 16, 7:30 pm. Grace Church on-the-Hill. 300 Lonsdale Road, Toronto.

From our Blog

Upper Canada Choristers is a mixed voice community choir founded in 1994 in Toronto, Canada by Laurie Evan Fraser, Artistic Director, and Jacqui Atkin, President. The choir’s mandate is to nurture the love and appreciation of singing choral music in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, educating both choir members and audiences. The choir sings regularly in a variety of community venues – hospitals, nursing homes, seniors’ residences, schools and churches, and performs at special events and fundraising concerts. The choir’s diversity is reflected in its wide range of repertoire.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”— Plato


All welcome!




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